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Age and Fertility: How Does It Affect the IVF Outcome?

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While several aspects may inform the decision to start a family, age is one of the most important determinants of fertility and IVF. Knowledge about the effects that age poses on fertility will enable one to select appropriate treatments that will enhance the results of conception.

Age and Fertility: Primary requirement of IVF

The age factor is a major biological component in determining fertility in both males and females. Menstrual and ovarian cyclicity also tends to decrease with age, and reduced egg quality and quantity are common to many women.

This decrease begins at about twenty-seven and seems to steepen downwards after the age of thirty-five. Probably, the chances of natural conception are slim at the age of 40.

Thus, for men, although fertility is not reduced as sharply and as early as in the case of women, age also matters. There are changes in some aspects of sperm that may deteriorate with age such as sperm motility and sperm morphology, hence one will have a harder time getting pregnant.

Success rates of IVF treatment by age

Age is one of the critical predictors of the success of IVF. Here’s a breakdown of how IVF success rates by age typically look:
These figures also put down the fact that as age advances, it may be progressively more difficult to conceive through IVF.

Age Considerations that Impact the Success of IVF

Several factors influence IVF success rates, particularly as age increases:
Some of the predicative factors are; the age of the women, and a smaller number of eggs in the women due to age limiting the chances of a successful process.
Improving the Chances for IVF with Age
There are some important strategies to improve your chances of successful IVF pregnancy:

Age and fertility are connected and knowledge of this connection is important in the case of IVF. While IVF success rates are low with increased age, timely intervention, changes in lifestyle, and newer techniques the best results can be achieved.

Age and fertility are a cause for worry to anyone, in this case, for advice on the viable solution to adopt depending on your status, visit Medivision Centre to meet a fertility specialist.

Before starting your journey through infertility treatment, take this advice. Contact us now for a consultation and have Medivision Centre take you to a more productive and rewarding result.

Step forward to achieve your parenthood. Call Medivision Centre now to book your appointment and get professional advice from our experts in fertility management.

Together let us guide you through your fertility options with support, understanding and state-of-the-art technology.