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Are PCOD and PCOS same?

PCOD/PCOS are the most common issues faced by the female population. These conditions start as early as in your teenage years and stay with you for a long time. They affect your day to day activities with weight gain issues, irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, skin and hair issues, and most importantly, fertility issues. But what is the difference between these two conditions? Are they linked? What is your condition and based on your symptoms? Find out now.


Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is a common disorder in females caused due to metabolism changes and hormonal imbalances. There is also a genetic pattern to this.

The reason for these hormonal imbalance is – In PCOD, the ovaries produce more of immature and unhealthy eggs while compared to healthy eggs. These immature eggs turn into cysts and cause a spike in testosterone or male hormone causing an imbalance between the hormones. This is also why PCOD patients see a lot of unwanted hair growth and weight gain.

Symptoms of PCOD are almost similar to those of PCOS in the form of menstrual irregularities and weight changes but have a few differences, like

Diagnose PCOD and nip it in the bud

PCOD diagnosis is done by a few blood tests to check the cholesterol, lipid levels and glucose tolerance levels. Ultrasound scans might be advised to check for irregular masses or cysts in the ovaries.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is comparatively more severe and rare in this, the endocrine system is affected and the release of hormones itself is irregular. PCOD is converted to PCOS when there are more than 10 cysts in the ovaries. This condition affects fertility rates as the production of eggs itself is stopped in the ovaries. It is harder to manage when compared to PCOS

The symptoms of PCOS are

Early PCOS diagnosis helps manage the symptoms
An endocrine examination and a complete health examination is done in addition to your blood tests and ultrasound scans for the cysts. It is not a single test as we have to confirm the severity and effects on other organs too.
Lifestyle changes for PCOD/PCOS
There is no permanent “cure” for either of these conditions. Management is the remedy. Management is equal parts lifestyle changes and equal parts medical regulation

But most importantly, do not delay. Delay in diagnosis means difficulty in managing the symptoms and difficulty in living with the symptoms. Book your appointment now and consult an expert.