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Frozen Embryo Transfer: A Path to Parenthood

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What is the Transfer of a Frozen Embryo

FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) is a main step in the development of ART as it gives hope to many couples or individuals who want to have their children or expand their families.

This practice differs from flush and transfer fresh embryo transfers where the embryos are transferred within a few days after fertilization as seen in FET where frozen embryos are thawed and transferred.

This process provides convenience, better chances of success, and the possibility to freeze fresh embryos for later utilization.

The fertilized eggs are frozen for the transfer process

Frozen egg transfer procedure includes egg retrieval and subsequent, IVF and freezing of good quality embryos. This is usually done at the time of the IVF cycle when eggs are removed from the ovaries, with sperm mixed in a lab and then frozen.

The process of freezing, often referred to as vitrification, aims to achieve ultra-rapid cooling, which will not allow the formation of ice crystals and consequently affect the quality of the embryos.

Advantages & IUI Success Rates of Frozen Embryo Transfer

As we know, FET has its advantages, and therefore, the number of those who choose FET among the methods of treating infertility is only increasing.

The first advantage is that successful birth rates can now be increased with the help of important methods like freezing embryos.

Also, FET can retain good-quality embryos, which can be utilized for subsequent cycles if the initial attempt fails.

Factors Influencing FET Success

Nevertheless, FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) remains relatively successful, though it depends on how good the embryo is, the age of the woman, and the state of the endometrium. Many fertility clinics such as Medivision Centre employ a high level of technology and individual care to increase the probability of conception.

This article gives tips that can enable organizations to have a successful transfer The following are the tips:

The technique of FET has remarkably changed fertility management for many couples or individuals to be more flexible and effective. By enhancing the possibility of the embryos ‘being used in the future, FET has a positive aspect of helping people who have fertility issues.

Have you thought of Freez Embryo Transfer in your fertility? At Medivision Centre, such a team that comprises of fertility specialists is always ready to help you through the whole process.

We are committed to guiding you through every step of the FET process with personalized care, the latest technology, and support to help you achieve your dream of parenthood. Call Medivision Centre now for an appointment and be on your way to finally starting your family.